Was Ben Franklin disabled?

What illness did Benjamin Franklin have?

As late as 1783, at the age of 76, Franklin faced gout attacks philosophically, noting: ‘I have been lately ill with a Fit of the Gout, if that may indeed be called a Disease; I rather suspect it to be a Remedy; since I always find my Health and Vigour of Mind improv’d after the Fit is over. ‘

How did Ben Franklin describe himself?

For one, Franklin wants us to know what’s important to him: what he values, what he despises, what matters. We see him measure himself against his standards for good living, and the person he describes himself as seems to live up to them pretty well. (Whether that’s accurate or not is harder for us to figure out.)

What happened to Ben Franklin after he died?

In 1785, Franklin returned to the United States. In his last great public service, he was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and worked hard for the document’s ratification. After his death in 1790, Philadelphia gave him the largest funeral the city had ever seen.

Was Benjamin Franklin ever poor?

Early in his life, Ben Franklin was poor, but through his own initiative, he became rich.

How did Benjamin Franklin get pleurisy?

Franklin had his first attack of pleurisy (lung infection or pneumonia) when he was 21. Eight years later he had a recurrence with an abscess on his left lung which left him susceptible to future attacks. At 44 he had his first gout attack.

Did Benjamin Franklin eat healthy?

As a young adult, Franklin lived as a vegetarian, surviving on a diet of mostly biscuits and raisins. The lifestyle started out of a need to save money (meat was expensive), but evolved into a value system. He began eating meat again while sailing on a ship from Boston to New York.

Did Ben Franklin have slaves?

9. He spent his later years as an abolitionist. Franklin owned two slaves during his life, both of whom worked as household servants, but in his old age he came to view slavery as a vile institution that ran counter to the principles of the American Revolution.

What does Franklin hope to achieve at 13weeks?

What does Franklin hope to achieve in 13 weeks? Franklin makes a schedule that contains his typical 24 hour day. What is the purpose in creating such a schedule? It is important to have a pre-laid out schedule for his typical day so that he will be less likely to stray from his project of achieving moral perfection.

What was Benjamin Franklin’s last words?

Reportedly, Franklin’s last words were, “A dying man can do nothing easily.” Newspapers in Boston said that Franklin had been ill for several weeks, and they made sure readers knew that Franklin was born there. His passing was duly noted in Europe.

Who did Ben Franklin marry?

Deborah ReadBenjamin Franklin / Spouse (m. 1730–1774)

Why throw pennies on Ben Franklin’s grave?

Tens of thousands of coins are thrown onto the marker each year in tribute of Franklin’s famous adage, “a penny saved, is a penny earned.”

Was Benjamin Franklin muscular?

Here’s a fact about Benjamin Franklin that just might surprise you: He was a lifelong athlete. Biographer Walter Isaacson even described him in his younger days as “physically striking: muscular, barrel-chested, open-faced, and almost six feet tall.”

What was Ben Franklin’s favorite meal?

Franklin preferred snacking on apples and cranberries, and his all-time favorite food was turkey. In fact, he “loved turkey so much that he suggested it should be our national symbol,” according to The Daily Meal.

Did Ben Franklin steal ideas?

Benjamin Franklin never sought a patent or copyright. “As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously,” he wrote in his autobiography.

What are 3 things Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

Benjamin Franklin was many things in his lifetime: a printer, a postmaster, an ambassador, an author, a scientist, a Founding Father. Above all, he was an inventor, creating solutions to common problems, innovating new technology, and even making life a little more musical.