Was James Potter mean to Snape?

Was James mean to Snape?

Even though James was mean to Snape, when Sirius told Snape to go to the whomping willow at said time, James knew the danger and SAVED Snape even though he hated him.

What did James Potter do to Snape?

Following an O.W.L. exam, James, with partner in crime Sirius Black, confronted the vulnerable young Snape, pinned him to the ground, filled his mouth with pink soap bubbles then lifted him into the air, threatening to completely undress the pale, slight Slytherin boy in front of a giggling crowd of fellow students.

What did Snape say about James?

Harry points out that he”s been told Snape hated James and Dumbledore confirms it, adding, “And then your father did something Snape could never forgive.”“What?” “He saved his life.”

What was James Potter nickname for Snape?

Shouting out their favorite nickname for Snape – “Snivellus” – James disarms him with “Expelliarmus,” and uses the Impediment Jinx to make him fall down.

Why was James horrible to Snape?

People assumed that James hated Snape just for being alive. That he had NO reason to hate Snape, other than that Snape existed. Snape simply breathed air and James hated him, just because he dared to breath air.

Did James know Snape loved Lily?

We know James liked Lily, but it doesn’t seem that he really knew her (don’t have a quote right now but he refers to her as “Evans”, I believe). Lupin spent his time keeping his head down, and given his nature I doubt he would have brought it up if he did suspect something.

Did James Potter save snapes?

At great risk to his own life, James saved Severus from certain death from Remus in werewolf form, but Snape adamantly refused to believe that his old rival would have done him a favour, believing that James had only saved him in order to avoid expulsion, and despised being in his debt.

Who does James Sirius Potter marry?

He is the husband to Mavis Longbottom, and the father to her children, Maverick and Jasper Potter.

Who was worse James Potter or Severus Snape?

While Snape is overall the worse person when you look at the things he did in his life, James did definitely no better than to do some of the things he did. Snape was raised in an abusive household and in poverty, and he wasn’t liked at school either.

Was James Potter a bully?

James was a bully in school — to the point that even the biggest of James Potter apologists can’t deny this. He mercilessly teased Snape, and in one particularly horrific memory, hung him upside down and exposed him in front of the entire school.

Why did Lily choose James?

Why did Lily Evans choose James Potter over Severus Snape? Lily chose James because James proved so unyielding in his loyalty and selflessness to anyone important to him. Snape could never do that while she lived. Only after her death did he finally learn how.

Who was worse James or Snape?

While Snape is overall the worse person when you look at the things he did in his life, James did definitely no better than to do some of the things he did. Snape was raised in an abusive household and in poverty, and he wasn’t liked at school either.

Did Lupin know about Snape?

Lupin didn’t appear to know, given his position in the discussion about trusting Snape. He could have been lying, but that’s a bit of a leap. “It isn’t our business to know,” said Lupin unexpectedly. He had turned his back on the fire now, and faced Harry across Mr Weasley.

Did Sirius know about Snape?

Sirius always suspected, but he never knew for sure what had become of Snape as he was never a visible Death Eater on the front lines, he was more behind the scenes such as spying.

Did Harry’s dad save Snape?

In the Philosopher’s stone, Dumbledore tells Harry that his father once saved Snape’s life. Is this event described in any of the later books, when and how did this happen? Read the books. Yes.